    • Opening ceremoney to air on Chinese satellite channel

    • On June 30th, the opening ceremony of Seoul Centre of International Plastic Surgery Training Institute that was progressed at HERSHE was to air on NEA news, Chinese Satellite broadcasting.

      On this opening ceremony, lots of reporters, Chinese medical doctors and specialists of specialized educational specialists in each field who explain about advanced Korean surgical techniques. 

      On a topic of 'International Plastic Surgery of training institute at the centre of Seoul', the news informed that Asian Plastic Surgery field will establish various networks and academic interchange activities will be done in the future, starting from the centre of Seoul of International Plastic Surgery Training Institute that was progressed at HERSHE Plastic Surgery.



      A president, Sajoon Bong of Chinese medical care association is doing his speech of greetings to congratuate the opening ceremony of Seoul Centre of International Plastic Surgery centre, opened at HERSHE.

      Dr.Jung from HERSHE Plastic Surgery was asked to become an executive director of Seoul Centre of International Plastic Surgery Training Institute.


      The president, Sa-joon Bong and 30 education board members for procedures who will directly educate surgical procedures to Asian Plastic Surgery field doctors.


      procedures education board members are planning to take the lead of globalization and let the world know about advanced Korean surgical tehcniques, composed of authorities of specialized filed such as eyes, nose, breast and body shape management.


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