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Is My Eye Suitable for the Burial Method?

2024-12-17 hit.1,105

Is My Eye Suitable for the Burial Method?

Eyelid Thickness
People with thinner eyelids are generally more suitable for the burial method. If the eyelids are thick, it can be challenging to create a firm double eyelid using this method, increasing the likelihood of it loosening over time.

Additionally, if the eyelids are thick, the double eyelid may appear unnatural after the procedure. In such cases, fat removal may be necessary, which cannot be achieved solely through the burial method. Therefore, the burial method may not be suitable for those with significant fat in their eyelids.

Use of Double Eyelid Tape
Those who have not used double eyelid tape for a long time are better candidates for the burial method.

Prolonged use of double eyelid tape often leads to drooping eyelids. Without removing the drooping skin, the double eyelid may appear loose or fail to create a defined appearance after the procedure.

If your eyelids are not drooping, there won’t be an issue, but if they are, the burial method may not be the right choice for you.

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