• Discover vibrant and healthy
    under-eye beauty,
  • HER
  • Who needs Eye Bag Removal Surgery?
  • If there is an excess of fat or sunken area under the eyes, it can result in a bulging appearance or the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles, making a person look older.
    Lower eyelid fat repositioning is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess fat and repositioning some of the orbital fat to the sunken area, creating a more uniform volume under the eyes.
    Since each person's aging condition is different, it is important to determine the appropriate surgical method based on the diagnosis of an expert.
    If there are symptoms of sagging eyelids due to aging, concurrent lower blepharoplasty may also be performed.
  • 맥스리프팅
    In the case of bulging fat under the eyes
    When there is bulging fat under the eyes, a surgical procedure can be performed to remove excess orbital fat through the conjunctiva, and in some cases, fat can be repositioned or transplanted to create a flatter appearance.
  • 맥스리프팅
    In the case of a sunken under-eye hollow
    If there is bulging fat under the eyes and the tear trough area below appears relatively sunken and shadowed, removing the under-eye fat while transferring some fat to the sunken area can create a flatter under-eye contour.
  • 맥스리프팅
    In the case of sagging lower eyelids and fat:
    If the lower eyelids have sagged due to aging and lack elasticity, they can be corrected through lower eyelid surgery (lower blepharoplasty).
    If there is bulging fat under the eyes, combining lower eyelid fat repositioning or fat grafting can comprehensively improve the aging of the under-eye area.
  • Under-Eye Fat

    Degree of fat protrusion, sagging, Distribution of orbital fat.
  • Under-Eye Skin

    Sagging of eyelids, skin laxity, Under-eye wrinkles, skin thickness.
  • Tear Trough

    Distribution of fat, level of shadowing, Range and depth of tear trough
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    • HER
    • Eyes define a person.
    • SHE
    허쉬성형외과 코성형
    • Professional
    • A dedicated plastic surgeon specializing in under-eye procedures provides personalized consultations, performs surgeries, and handles post surgery care.
    • While considering factors such as your current age, under-eye skin condition, and amount of fat, then choose the most suitable procedure.
      We provide individualized under-eye procedures that are applied specifically to you rather than having a fixed plan.
    • Q.Is under-eye fat reposition and under-eye liposuction a different surgery?

    • A. From a broader perspective, both surgeries aim to address the imbalance in the distribution of under-eye orbital fat.
      The difference lies in the fact that under-eye fat repositioning involves not only the removal of excessive orbital fat but also the concept of redistributing some fat to the hollowed areas along the tear trough.
      As the incision site for both procedures is the same, if deemed necessary during diagnosis, they can be selectively performed.

    • Q.Does it leave a lot of scars?

    • A. Because the incision is inside the lower part of the eye, there is no visible scar left after the surgery.
      However, when the aging symptoms are severe and undergo a simultaneous surgery with lower blepharoplasty to cut out the drooping skin, the scar can be seen from a period of time since the incision was done from outside.

    • Q.Are there any side effects?

    • A. All surgeries have the potential to cause any unexpected discomfort or side effects.
      The best way to minimize side effects is to consult with an experienced specialist and carefully follow post surgery instructions for proper management.
      However, if you experience significant discomfort or have symptoms such as excessive bleeding, heat sensation, or intense inflammation, it is important to contact the hospital to receive appropriate care.

    • Q.Will it hurt a lot?

    • A.It may be a little uncomfortable after surgery, but it is not a surgery that involves a lot of pain. Thus, if you take good care of it over the recovery period, it will help relieve the pain.

    • Q.When can I start to go back to my daily activities?

    • A. Usually there will be swelling and bruising around the surgery area and it takes around 2 to 3 weeks for it to get better.
      If you want to use lens or eye make up for your daily look, it is recommended to do it after this period.
      After that, around 3 to 6 months the damaged tissue will be recovered and will show a natural result. You can expect a stable surgery result if you take care of it following the precaution that the hospital gives after the surgery.

    • Q.What is the precaution after the surgery?

    • A. Prior to the surgery, the hospital will provide you with explanations and consent forms, as well as post surgery instructions.
      Some important precautions include prohibition from alcohol and smoking for about a month to prevent bleeding and infection.
      If you experience itching, swelling, or allergic reactions around the eyes while taking antibiotics after the surgery, stop the medication and visit the hospital. It is advisable to avoid getting water on or around the eyes for about a week.
      To reduce bruising, swelling, and bleeding, cold compresses can be applied for approximately 2 to 3 days after the surgery, followed by a combination of warm and cold compresses after one week.
      It is important to avoid positions that increase blood pressure around the eye area, such as bending over.

    • HER
    • Time may pass,
      but your eyes will remain firm and clear!
      Experience for yourself why HERSHE
      Plastic Surgery is the perfect choice for your eye aesthetic.
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