+Sub-Brow Lift Surgery:
In cases where there is eyelid drooping, the skin and tissues are lifted by making incisions beneath the eyebrows.
This procedure is useful for correcting drooping eyelids while preserving the original eye shape and double eyelid line.
The incisions are made along the eyebrow line, resulting in less visible surgical scars and a natural-looking outcome during the recovery period.
  • Minimal incisions made along the eyebrow line
  • Removal of excess skin and tissues
  • Adjustment of eyelid and orbicularis oculi muscle tension for fixation
  • Improved eye appearance with less visible surgical scars and a natural outcome.
+Difference between Sub BrowLift and Upper Blepharoplasty
Sub Brow lift and upper blepharoplasty are both aimed at improving eyelid sagging, but they differ in their approach and the resulting appearance of the eyes.
  • Sub BrowLift
    A surgical procedure that involves making incisions along the lower edge of the eyebrows to lift and secure sagging skin.
    It is generally less painful with a quicker recovery, and the resulting scars are concealed within the eyebrows.
    It maintains the natural shape of the eyebrows and does not involve creating a double eyelid.
  • Upper Blepharoplasty
    A surgical procedure that involves making incisions to create or correct the double eyelid line while removing excess sagging skin.
    It can correct or create the double eyelid line and is suitable for addressing various asymmetries of the eyes.
    It can be performed alongside other procedures such as ptosis correction.
허쉬성형외과 코성형
  • Professional
  • Our team of dedicated plastic surgeons specializing in upper blepharoplasty provides comprehensive care from consultation to surgery and post surgery management.
  • Since 1992
    we have been utilizing precise diagnostics and analysis of factors such as the degree of eyelid aging and eyelid thickness. Our approach focuses on delivering a customized upper blepharoplasty procedure that is applied to your individual needs, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Personalized
  • In middle-age eyelid surgery, the key objective is to improve signs of aging
    When the eyelids droop, the surrounding skin and fat also sag, resulting in an aged appearance.
    Therefore, middle-age eyelid surgery prioritizes the improvement of skin wrinkles and sagging to achieve a naturally rejuvenated and youthful look, rather than focusing solely on dramatic changes in eye shape or size.
    The surgical approach varies depending on the degree of eyelid aging and aims to address both aesthetic and functional improvements.
    It is important to note that even individuals with the same eyelid drooping may have different underlying causes based on their individual aging symptoms.
    Therefore, a thorough assessment of factors such as the condition of the eyelids, degree and direction of eyelid ptosis, skin elasticity and sagging, as well as the distribution of eyelid and orbital fat, is crucial for precise diagnosis.
    By considering these factors, our experienced plastic surgeons plan and execute a customized surgical approach that combines aesthetic and functional improvements.
    Eyelid condition
    Degree and direction of eyelid ptosis
    Skin elasticity and sagging
    Distribution of eyelid and orbital fat

    Our plastic surgeons analyze individual aging symptoms and undergo the surgical approach to match the unique characteristics of your face.
  • HER
  • Time may pass, but your eyes will remain firm and clear!
    Experience for yourself why HERSHE Plastic Surgery is the perfect choice for your eye aesthetic.
  • Q.What is the difference between upper blepharoplasty and brow lift surgery?

  • A. Upper blepharoplasty is a surgery that corrects the eyelid skin and muscles to make the eyes appear larger and more refreshed.
    It is mainly performed by making an incision on the upper eyelid. On the other hand, brow lift surgery involves making incisions above or below the eyebrows to lift and tighten the drooping eyelid.
    Since the incision site is hidden beneath the eyebrows, there is the advantage of minimal visibility of scars and a natural improvement in eyelid drooping.
    At HERSHE Plastic Surgery, we perform sub-brow lift surgery, which involves making incisions beneath the eyebrows.

  • Q.Will there be noticeable scarring?

  • A. In most cases, eye surgeries are performed to minimize visible scarring.
    However, depending on individual surgical techniques, there may be slight scarring.
    These scars can be managed through laser treatments or scar-reducing prescriptions to minimize any impact on daily life.

  • Q.Are there any side effects?

  • A. All surgeries have the potential to cause unexpected discomfort or side effects.
    The best way to minimize side effects is to consult with an experienced specialist and carefully follow the post surgery care instructions.
    If you experience significant discomfort, severe bleeding, a sensation of heat, or intense inflammation, it is important to contact the hospital promptly for appropriate measures.

  • Q.Would it be very painful?

  • A. Post surgery pain is generally not severe. However, there may be some discomfort once the anesthesia wears off.
    By diligently following the post surgery care instructions, which include precautions after leaving the hospital, most inflammation can be prevented, leading to a reduction in the level of pain.

  • Q.When can I resume my daily activities?

  • A. Aside from slight visibility and discomfort, the basic healing process for bruising and swelling usually takes about 2-3 weeks.
    After this period, daily activities such as eye makeup application and wearing contact lenses can be resumed.
    Over the next 3-6 months, the damaged tissues from surgery will recover, leading to a natural and stable outcome.
    Following the post surgery care instructions provided by the hospital will promote faster recovery and ensure stable surgical results.

  • Q.What is the precaution after the surgery?

  • A. Prior to the surgery, the hospital will provide you with explanations and consent forms, as well as post surgery instructions.
    Some important precautions include prohibition from alcohol and smoking for about a month to prevent bleeding and infection.
    If you experience itching, swelling, or allergic reactions around the eyes while taking antibiotics after the surgery, stop the medication and visit the hospital.
    It is advisable to avoid getting water on or around the eyes for about a week.
    To reduce bruising, swelling, and bleeding, cold compresses can be applied for approximately 2 to 3 days after the surgery, followed by a combination of warm and cold compresses after one week.
    It is important to avoid positions that increase blood pressure around the eye area, such as bending over.

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